
This website is primarily an attempt to fight procrastination, conquer the constrains of understanding and establish a baseline of knowledge by, actually, re-inventing the wheel. The author’s intention is to approach topics in computer science with a “grab the bull by the horns” mentality. The website is intended to serve as a point of reference by the author(s) and anyone that would like to mine - hopefully - useful information. For all the times we were looking for information but we weren’t able to find it documented or among our piled bookmarks.


What it’s all about? You know when you are looking for a buzzword to impress people, right? Or when you are looking for the password to enter the cool kids club. Well, the domain name of this website, inspired by the Intel assembly instruction set, could potentially be that password to enter the club. STMXCSR is the instruction that STores the content of the MXCSR status register in memory. Obviously, the domain is used to solely express myself and in no way to generate any financial profit or used for any financial purposes. The intention is to use this domain to share the knowledge I have and still acquire from my own experiences. The website is intended to be in a perpetual “work in progress” status.

Call to Arms Against Obscurity

The aim of this corner of the web is to be as transparent as possible and through this promote transparency. Therefore, each post references - where applicable - resources at the very bottom. If you believe that a resource has been (intentionally or unintentionlly) excluded, not mentioned or is missing from a post, please get in touch.

Furthermore, I personally believe that the sharing and openess of knowledge is what makes both individuals and communities evolve and grow. What someone considers a non-significant or useless fragment of knowledge, this same fragment may be someone else’s missing part to complete a jigsaw of knowledge. Therefore, it is really important to document and share publicly any sort of information from valid techniques to error messages.

Request for Feedback

Life evolves over time. Thus, the content of this website may become obsolete or miss critical details. In order to keep up with the changes, I kindly request your feedback on the published content as well as any advice or recommendation you may have. See the Contact tab if you wish to get in touch.

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