iphlpapi.dll API hash lookup table
This page contains a lookup table of hashed iphlpapi.dll APIs.
The page is in essence an effort to document the exported APIs of important Windows libraries. Additional work has been documented in:
- kernel32.dll API hash lookup table
- ntoskrnl.exe API hash lookup table
- ntdll.dll API hash lookup table
Look up table
API name | hex hash |
AllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack | 0x6512559 |
AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack | 0x386e9d38 |
CancelIPChangeNotify | 0x187e8645 |
CancelIfTimestampConfigChange | 0x798a9b83 |
CancelMibChangeNotify2 | 0x641760df |
CaptureInterfaceHardwareCrossTimestamp | 0xf5aa1cf6 |
CloseCompartment | 0x8f14a6b2 |
CloseGetIPPhysicalInterfaceForDestination | 0xa74d52c9 |
ConvertCompartmentGuidToId | 0x7d6ce669 |
ConvertCompartmentIdToGuid | 0x14168275 |
ConvertGuidToStringA | 0xa5c0623e |
ConvertGuidToStringW | 0xa5c06254 |
ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid | 0x6b5ca472 |
ConvertInterfaceGuidToLuid | 0xf6fad09b |
ConvertInterfaceIndexToLuid | 0xab7cdf93 |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToAlias | 0xdeb99391 |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid | 0xf6f8f09b |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToIndex | 0xdf3a8016 |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameA | 0xdf8423df |
ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW | 0xdf8423f5 |
ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidA | 0xdf7397c7 |
ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidW | 0xdf7397dd |
ConvertInterfacePhysicalAddressToLuid | 0xa6ad57 |
ConvertIpv4MaskToLength | 0x696382b0 |
ConvertLengthToIpv4Mask | 0x3ddb236f |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceAliasToLuid | 0x5689b189 |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceGuidToLuid | 0xae543904 |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceIndexToLuid | 0x96a9ecaa |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceLuidToAlias | 0xc9e6a0a8 |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceLuidToGuid | 0xae525904 |
ConvertRemoteInterfaceLuidToIndex | 0xca678d2d |
ConvertStringToGuidA | 0x98bb079f |
ConvertStringToGuidW | 0x98bb07b5 |
ConvertStringToInterfacePhysicalAddress | 0xca9d7e15 |
CreateAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0x659058fb |
CreateCompartment | 0x9f591cd6 |
CreateIpForwardEntry | 0xc65852da |
CreateIpForwardEntry2 | 0xcb0a5b8a |
CreateIpNetEntry | 0x7828a693 |
CreateIpNetEntry2 | 0x514d2a1 |
CreatePersistentTcpPortReservation | 0xa01b8e79 |
CreatePersistentUdpPortReservation | 0xa03c8e79 |
CreateProxyArpEntry | 0xb9fc7fae |
CreateSortedAddressPairs | 0xae572614 |
CreateUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x25905a3b |
DeleteAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0xccb058fd |
DeleteCompartment | 0x9f59b69e |
DeleteIPAddress | 0x2d7a035 |
DeleteIpForwardEntry | 0x133c52db |
DeleteIpForwardEntry2 | 0x678a5b94 |
DeleteIpNetEntry | 0xb828ab61 |
DeleteIpNetEntry2 | 0x5156c69 |
DeletePersistentTcpPortReservation | 0xd91b8e8c |
DeletePersistentUdpPortReservation | 0xd93c8e8c |
DeleteProxyArpEntry | 0xbc639fae |
DeleteUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x8cb05a3d |
DisableMediaSense | 0x5f49b488 |
EnableRouter | 0xf70e28c |
FlushIpNetTable | 0xb89bbace |
FlushIpNetTable2 | 0x13775a09 |
FlushIpPathTable | 0x3aa6b4fc |
FreeDnsSettings | 0xb3148d6f |
FreeInterfaceDnsSettings | 0xdc4a75c3 |
FreeMibTable | 0x2e471d68 |
GetAdapterIndex | 0x8ae54363 |
GetAdapterOrderMap | 0xa1b00633 |
GetAdaptersAddresses | 0x81a63699 |
GetAdaptersInfo | 0x8d72eb7a |
GetAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0xbfbcb5e0 |
GetAnycastIpAddressTable | 0xc0a5ed0c |
GetBestInterface | 0x25b1af7f |
GetBestInterfaceEx | 0xc6be05ae |
GetBestRoute | 0xd27c282a |
GetBestRoute2 | 0x4f85058c |
GetCurrentThreadCompartmentId | 0x7ff274b2 |
GetCurrentThreadCompartmentScope | 0x3afa8a5e |
GetDefaultCompartmentId | 0xeb029381 |
GetDnsSettings | 0xba947b99 |
GetExtendedTcpTable | 0x5725638e |
GetExtendedUdpTable | 0x97256396 |
GetFriendlyIfIndex | 0xde563f5d |
GetIcmpStatistics | 0x4200cd91 |
GetIcmpStatisticsEx | 0x3364e20 |
GetIfEntry | 0x1092276c |
GetIfEntry2 | 0x1244edb4 |
GetIfEntry2Ex | 0x13b6d961 |
GetIfStackTable | 0x194ff98 |
GetIfTable | 0x117b5e98 |
GetIfTable2 | 0x2f6bd334 |
GetIfTable2Ex | 0xaf4cd9d5 |
GetInterfaceCompartmentId | 0x36b9f8dc |
GetInterfaceCurrentTimestampCapabilities | 0xae0e8e9f |
GetInterfaceDnsSettings | 0xda0fb6b3 |
GetInterfaceHardwareTimestampCapabilities | 0x37c4bd19 |
GetInterfaceInfo | 0xd555aca4 |
GetInvertedIfStackTable | 0x48d02c3d |
GetIpAddrTable | 0x74a45ab3 |
GetIpErrorString | 0xf69fb9e8 |
GetIpForwardEntry2 | 0x33bbcf20 |
GetIpForwardTable | 0x728715a3 |
GetIpForwardTable2 | 0x50e2b4a0 |
GetIpInterfaceEntry | 0xd341ec74 |
GetIpInterfaceTable | 0xd42b23a0 |
GetIpNetEntry2 | 0x1c4e292c |
GetIpNetTable | 0xd1cba873 |
GetIpNetTable2 | 0x39750eac |
GetIpNetworkConnectionBandwidthEstimates | 0x1039f93b |
GetIpPathEntry | 0x5fbb3273 |
GetIpPathTable | 0x60a4699f |
GetIpStatistics | 0x3fb69a8a |
GetIpStatisticsEx | 0xda6a3216 |
GetJobCompartmentId | 0x72e1aabb |
GetMulticastIpAddressEntry | 0xc61eba9c |
GetMulticastIpAddressTable | 0xc707f1c8 |
GetNetworkConnectivityHint | 0xd7322528 |
GetNetworkConnectivityHintForInterface | 0x83923fa5 |
GetNetworkInformation | 0x11269f2d |
GetNetworkParams | 0x7aac36eb |
GetNumberOfInterfaces | 0xcdec30c2 |
GetOwnerModuleFromPidAndInfo | 0x9771a19e |
GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry | 0x64313d6f |
GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry | 0xb42621ae |
GetOwnerModuleFromUdp6Entry | 0x64313e77 |
GetOwnerModuleFromUdpEntry | 0xf42621b6 |
GetPerAdapterInfo | 0x5ba16f73 |
GetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats | 0x673857f |
GetPerTcp6ConnectionStats | 0x6123d287 |
GetPerTcpConnectionEStats | 0xca9e5ab4 |
GetPerTcpConnectionStats | 0xf452931 |
GetRTTAndHopCount | 0xfc5ce3a |
GetSessionCompartmentId | 0x6cb4343d |
GetTcp6Table | 0x9694ed19 |
GetTcp6Table2 | 0xd29da364 |
GetTcpStatistics | 0x4cb8da26 |
GetTcpStatisticsEx | 0xe368a24a |
GetTcpStatisticsEx2 | 0x6d14498e |
GetTcpTable | 0xa69b2c9e |
GetTcpTable2 | 0xd3659406 |
GetTeredoPort | 0xb374b362 |
GetUdp6Table | 0x9694ee21 |
GetUdpStatistics | 0x5d38da26 |
GetUdpStatisticsEx | 0xe368a28c |
GetUdpStatisticsEx2 | 0x6d1451ce |
GetUdpTable | 0xe69b2ca6 |
GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo | 0x91b9825c |
GetUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x7fbcb720 |
GetUnicastIpAddressTable | 0x80a5ee4c |
GetWPAOACSupportLevel | 0x2388f98c |
Icmp6CreateFile | 0x37559a33 |
Icmp6ParseReplies | 0xdb169b73 |
Icmp6SendEcho2 | 0xb4ca44ee |
IcmpCloseHandle | 0xdf62a3a3 |
IcmpCreateFile | 0x96bd87be |
IcmpParseReplies | 0x7accc8f1 |
IcmpSendEcho | 0x487e2c21 |
IcmpSendEcho2 | 0xfc5845b |
IcmpSendEcho2Ex | 0x16117557 |
InitializeCompartmentEntry | 0xe3ecdbef |
InitializeIpForwardEntry | 0x85a4dc2d |
InitializeIpInterfaceEntry | 0xef38c4c4 |
InitializeUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x1ff4a4d1 |
InternalCleanupPersistentStore | 0x8c93df51 |
InternalCreateAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0xaaf3d132 |
InternalCreateIpForwardEntry | 0xaf04c1e1 |
InternalCreateIpForwardEntry2 | 0xe0983c67 |
InternalCreateIpNetEntry | 0x3f19151e |
InternalCreateIpNetEntry2 | 0xe322a3f9 |
InternalCreateOrRefIpForwardEntry2 | 0xc87a964 |
InternalCreateUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x6af3d272 |
InternalDeleteAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0x1213d135 |
InternalDeleteIpForwardEntry | 0xfbe8c1e1 |
InternalDeleteIpForwardEntry2 | 0x7d183c71 |
InternalDeleteIpNetEntry | 0x7f1919ec |
InternalDeleteIpNetEntry2 | 0xe3233dc1 |
InternalDeleteUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0xd213d274 |
InternalFindInterfaceByAddress | 0xebe1f141 |
InternalGetAnycastIpAddressEntry | 0xb02b40a7 |
InternalGetAnycastIpAddressTable | 0xb11477d3 |
InternalGetBoundTcp6EndpointTable | 0x92fea0c4 |
InternalGetBoundTcpEndpointTable | 0x4af7f90e |
InternalGetForwardIpTable2 | 0xd65840b7 |
InternalGetIPPhysicalInterfaceForDestination | 0x6a03f4f9 |
InternalGetIfEntry2 | 0x8a7c3317 |
InternalGetIfTable | 0x2d3d18c3 |
InternalGetIfTable2 | 0xa7a31897 |
InternalGetIpAddrTable | 0x175616cf |
InternalGetIpForwardEntry2 | 0xf575fa3b |
InternalGetIpForwardTable | 0x5094e6fc |
InternalGetIpInterfaceEntry | 0xa874fed |
InternalGetIpInterfaceTable | 0xb708719 |
InternalGetIpNetEntry2 | 0xbeffe547 |
InternalGetIpNetTable | 0xaee13654 |
InternalGetIpNetTable2 | 0xdc26cac7 |
InternalGetMulticastIpAddressEntry | 0x8049d65e |
InternalGetMulticastIpAddressTable | 0x81330d8a |
InternalGetRtcSlotInformation | 0xfbc2ef03 |
InternalGetTcp6Table2 | 0xafb33145 |
InternalGetTcp6TableWithOwnerModule | 0x833b8eaf |
InternalGetTcp6TableWithOwnerPid | 0x599511b3 |
InternalGetTcpTable | 0x1ed27202 |
InternalGetTcpTable2 | 0xda4e4075 |
InternalGetTcpTableEx | 0x49c81193 |
InternalGetTcpTableWithOwnerModule | 0x29ff5aba |
InternalGetTcpTableWithOwnerPid | 0xf1aa5f3a |
InternalGetTunnelPhysicalAdapter | 0x1263ce9e |
InternalGetUdp6TableWithOwnerModule | 0x8343ceaf |
InternalGetUdp6TableWithOwnerPid | 0xd99511c3 |
InternalGetUdpTable | 0x5ed2720a |
InternalGetUdpTableEx | 0x49c83293 |
InternalGetUdpTableWithOwnerModule | 0x29ff9cba |
InternalGetUdpTableWithOwnerPid | 0x75aa5f3b |
InternalGetUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x702b41e7 |
InternalGetUnicastIpAddressTable | 0x71147913 |
InternalIcmpCreateFileEx | 0xbd0f71fd |
InternalSetIfEntry | 0x2c556197 |
InternalSetIpForwardEntry | 0x4fb7afd0 |
InternalSetIpForwardEntry2 | 0xf6f5fa3b |
InternalSetIpInterfaceEntry | 0x3a874fed |
InternalSetIpNetEntry | 0x6df7ff29 |
InternalSetIpNetEntry2 | 0xbeffe55f |
InternalSetIpStats | 0x413815d1 |
InternalSetTcpEntry | 0x1e193ad6 |
InternalSetTeredoPort | 0x508a4144 |
InternalSetUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x708b41e7 |
IpReleaseAddress | 0x961d9db6 |
IpRenewAddress | 0x391ccc35 |
LookupPersistentTcpPortReservation | 0xf29e3f96 |
LookupPersistentUdpPortReservation | 0xf2bf3f96 |
NTPTimeToNTFileTime | 0xdd148371 |
NTTimeToNTPTime | 0xa36cbdbe |
NhGetGuidFromInterfaceName | 0x307180a3 |
NhGetInterfaceDescriptionFromGuid | 0x78f99626 |
NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid | 0x45b0a99a |
NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid | 0xe4eedeb0 |
NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack | 0x5d51256d |
NotifyAddrChange | 0xd1a15930 |
NotifyCompartmentChange | 0xff0b476e |
NotifyIfTimestampConfigChange | 0x3af3529c |
NotifyIpInterfaceChange | 0x68886210 |
NotifyNetworkConnectivityHintChange | 0xd2ca14e4 |
NotifyRouteChange | 0x6ada33d7 |
NotifyRouteChange2 | 0x5b467b1f |
NotifyStableUnicastIpAddressTable | 0xf8582e78 |
NotifyTeredoPortChange | 0xc1b51548 |
NotifyUnicastIpAddressChange | 0x9536baff |
OpenCompartment | 0xb3928773 |
ParseNetworkString | 0x8c3eb261 |
PfAddFiltersToInterface | 0xc5740b67 |
PfAddGlobalFilterToInterface | 0x74aeea04 |
PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress | 0x216c9b1d |
PfBindInterfaceToIndex | 0x1f942e47 |
PfCreateInterface | 0x5404befd |
PfDeleteInterface | 0xc604bf23 |
PfDeleteLog | 0xd2c0c58a |
PfGetInterfaceStatistics | 0x515be1d6 |
PfMakeLog | 0x8e4118b |
PfRebindFilters | 0xad1148b6 |
PfRemoveFilterHandles | 0xb4634138 |
PfRemoveFiltersFromInterface | 0xc69a9ed4 |
PfRemoveGlobalFilterFromInterface | 0xc17bcb7a |
PfSetLogBuffer | 0xd6a7754a |
PfTestPacket | 0xcfe621c9 |
PfUnBindInterface | 0x27eca373 |
ResolveIpNetEntry2 | 0x2f76dd37 |
ResolveNeighbor | 0x81e4d32d |
RestoreMediaSense | 0x325794af |
SendARP | 0x91130ea5 |
SetAdapterIpAddress | 0xa333512e |
SetCurrentThreadCompartmentId | 0x7ff334b2 |
SetCurrentThreadCompartmentScope | 0x9afa8a5e |
SetDnsSettings | 0xba947bb1 |
SetIfEntry | 0x1093a76c |
SetInterfaceDnsSettings | 0xda12b6b3 |
SetIpForwardEntry | 0x71a9de77 |
SetIpForwardEntry2 | 0x353bcf20 |
SetIpInterfaceEntry | 0x341ec75 |
SetIpNetEntry | 0x90e27148 |
SetIpNetEntry2 | 0x1c4e2944 |
SetIpStatistics | 0x3fb69d8a |
SetIpStatisticsEx | 0xda763216 |
SetIpTTL | 0x2cc95d7e |
SetJobCompartmentId | 0xa2e1aabb |
SetNetworkInformation | 0x11269fed |
SetPerTcp6ConnectionEStats | 0x86738580 |
SetPerTcp6ConnectionStats | 0x6d23d287 |
SetPerTcpConnectionEStats | 0xd69e5ab4 |
SetPerTcpConnectionStats | 0xfa52931 |
SetSessionCompartmentId | 0x6cb7343d |
SetTcpEntry | 0xa5e1f572 |
SetUnicastIpAddressEntry | 0x801cb720 |
UnenableRouter | 0xff70e33c |
do_echo_rep | 0x98bf9751 |
do_echo_req | 0x98bf9752 |
if_indextoname | 0x805aba24 |
if_nametoindex | 0x760d2e36 |
register_icmp | 0x7e4fb0d1 |