Consolidated list of microblogs
In this page you can find a list of microblogs. Short blogs that briefly discuss/touch topics I find interesting.
- iphlpapi.dll API hash lookup table
- kernel32.dll API hash lookup table
- ntdll.dll API hash lookup table
- ntoskrnl.exe API hash lookup table
- rpcrt4.dll API hash lookup table
- Detection Evasion Practical Examples and Recommendations
- Notes on Application Control
- BloodHound Cypher Queries
- Breaking into the DllMain
- How threat actors spread malware using ClickOnce
- How to compile/build openssl
- Encoding functions in C/C++
- Enumerating Device Drivers: implementation and connection with APTs
- In Memory Execution Of .NET Assemly
- Map file to process memory utilizing NtCreateSection and NtMapViewOfSection
- Notes on NetNTLM, relaying and more
- Random notes on Penetration Testing
- Notes on Microsoft 365 and Azure Active Directory
- signal-cli on Raspberry Pi
- List of resources
- Passing arguments via rundll32.exe to function exported by DLL
- Active Directory Search Using the Windows User Interface
- Apache Tomcat Directory Tree
- Tracking changes in HTML pages with hashing and Python
- VBS dropper reversing series - Act1: VBS to Formbook malware
- Web Application in Debug Mode Discovery
- Random Windows API code snippets
- Windows Breakout Techniques
- Breaking into the DllMain
- How to compile/build openssl
- Exporting functions from DLL using the actual function name